Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Grass and Anniversaries...

I remember one year for Christmas when my mom got a vacuum cleaner from "Santa." I thought it was a cruel joke. But she was so thrilled! Today reminded me of that day. As Justin and I celebrate our third wedding anniversary, the day has been overshadowed by the arrival of our sod! It is the best present ever! No more rationalizing with an 18 month old about why he shouldn't throw dirt, bury the dog with sand, or eat the mud he created from the liquid in his sippy cup. We finally have our grass. We are especially grateful to the Schneiders for their time, knowledge, and resources in helping us novices get it done right! Here are some pictures to commemorate our great day.

Here is our good friend, Justin Schneider, working away before it gets too hot!

Caden enjoying the finished product!

Fun with the hose...

I think I've got this down.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

He is so stinkcin cute you guys....just so carefree! Now all you need is for Santa to bring a swingset!