Saturday, August 9, 2008

Washing the Car...

Taking your car to the carwash seems like such an ordeal. Or maybe its just me. Where I grew up, you didn't get out of your vehicle and drop it off with a stranger. There was no waiting in a lobby (sometimes for a rather long time!) and then being flagged down when your car was finished. There wasn't that awkwardness about whether or not its appropriate to tip. Where I grew up, you stayed in your own car (which was the perfect temperature and had the best songs playing) and drove it through an automatic car wash. There were a few different cycles to make sure it was cleaned thoroughly, but overall, it went pretty quickly. There was even a "dry" cycle that left your car both water and spot free. You didn't have to worry about tipping anyone because there wasn't anyone to tip. If you wanted to clean the inside of your car, you drove it around to the "vacuum section" and did it yourself. It was a little extra work, but it always turned out cleaner than the car washes today seem to leave things.

So on Saturday, we opted for a Ramirez car wash in the good ole driveway. I say "we", but I really had no part in all the hard work. Of course Caden had a great time being outside spending time with Dad. He was a great help to Daddy by spraying him with the hose and throwing rocks in the clean, soapy water. Thanks to my boys who did a great job getting our car fresh and clean!

Friday, August 8, 2008

All About My Husband...

Okay, so I stole this idea from Carly Reese's blog. But I thought it was such a good way to honor husbands! As you all know, we recently had our second baby 6 weeks ago. All my family lives in New York and haven't been able to see our little guy. With the price of airline tickets and the inconvenience of time off work, they just haven't been able to make it here. My husband has had a little money invested in a fund through an old job for a few years now. We received our quarterly statement last week and the darn thing just continues to DROP! So we decided to pull the money out and have some fun with a little extra cash. I know he had been talking about a new motorcycle for Caden. He even mentioned some parts he needs for his mountain bike. There are also a few things we need to do to our third vehicle to get it in good shape and of course a few unfinished "projects" around the house. So much a little extra money could go towards. But guess what my husband let ME spend the money on??? You got it- airline tickets to New York!!! I called my mom and she was virtually in tears. My dad called it an answer to prayers. So in just 18 quick days, we will get to spend a whole week with my family. Do I have the best husband in the world, or what??? So Carly's post seemed quite timely. I hope you learn a thing or two about my one of a kind man....

Justin with Caden and Dallin when they were born.

What is his name? Justin Jared Ramirez
How long have you been married? 3 years next month.
How long did you date? We dated a year and a half before we got married. I was a little gun shy.
How old is he? 32

Justin's 32nd Birthday. He got a gift certificate from the whole family for a new mountain bike!

Who eats more? Usually Justin. He comes from a family of 9 kids, so you don't leave ANY food on your plate. He cleans up my plate nicely. When I'm pregnant, however, my plate is MY plate.
Who said I love you first? He did, but it took a little prompting from me
Who sings better? Definitely Justin. He has a great voice, even though he denies it. I remember the first time I heard him sing. We were driving in the car and he sang to Randy Travis's Forever and Ever, Amen. I know it sounds dorky, but I totally melted.
Who is smarter? Depends on the subject. If it's book knowledge (which is really only good for Jeopardy and Trivial Pursuit), probably me. For everyday, common sense kinds of things (the stuff that matters), definitely Justin.
Whose temper is worse? Mine. Unless we're driving.
Who does the laundry? Usually me
Who does the dishes? This is Justin's least favorite chore, so that one's usually me, too. But ask me the last time I've vacuumed or scrubbed the bathtubs and I couldn't tell you. Justin always handles those chores and I don't even have to ask! Don't hate!
Who mows the lawn? Lawn? That's funny. See below for explanation.

Our backyard... a work in progress!

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do. I just took it over when Dallin was born because there's more room for the bassinett on that side. But sometimes I creep to the left side, too =)
Who pays the bills? I do. But I wish neither of us had to!
Who cooks dinner? Mostly me. Not that I cook every night, though. We justify getting Taco Bell at least once a week. Luckily Justin eats just about anything, whether I burn it or not.
Who is taller? Not even close! Justin clocks in at 6'4", a whole foot taller than me!
Who drives when you are together? Whenever I can help it, Justin drives. I'll admit, I'm not the best driver out there. I get sidetracked with things like babies, a good song on the radio, or the driver next to me picking their nose.
Who is more stubborn? I'm gonna go with me on this one. But Justin can hold a good grudge.
Whose parents do you see the most? Justin's parents live here and mine are in NY. So we get to see his family most.

Justin's parents on our wedding day and my parents with Caden at 3 weeks old.
Who Kissed who first? Guilty.
Who proposed? Justin proposed in April and we got married in September. We wanted to leave enough time for my family and friends to make travel arrangements and of course to get all the planning done. The night Justin proposed to me, we went out for ice cream (my favorite!) and then for a walk down by Tempe Town Lake. As we were walking, a bird pooped all down the front of Justin. I told him that was good luck (someone had told me that once), not knowing he was about to propose!

Our Wedding Day
Who has more friends? Justin probably has more friends. At least it seems that way because alot of my friends live out of state.
Who has more siblings? Justin has 8 and I have 5.
Who wears the pants in the family? We each take a leg.

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Music Man

I had to do a quick post to show these cute pictures. We had family over this weekend and Caden confiscated an Ipod from his cousin, Marissa. He walked around the house enjoying a little hip-hop, country, and good ole rock and roll. It's amazing how mesmerized he was with this little device. I couldn't even get him to look up at me and smile. I even tried Brandi's "bug in the hair" trick, but no luck.

I've got this ALL figured out....


Can I get one, Mom???

Sunday, August 3, 2008

What a Blessing!

Dallin received his blessing at church today. His Daddy did a wonderful job and was truly inspired in the things he said. It made me stop and consider all the things I hope my children will have in their lives. Of course you wish for things like good health, normal development, and obedience =) But even greater is my desire for Dallin to know his Heavenly Father and his Savior and how much they love him. I pray that he will make good, righteous choices and always be kind to those around him. I truly believe if that foundation is there, everything else will fall into place. I better like his wife, too.
Here are some pictures of the big day. Thank you to all our friends and family who made it. Thanks to Fuzz, Danny, Scott, and Tata for being a part of the blessing.

We caught a little smile before Dallin drifted off to sleep. So handsome!

Dallin is obviously getting irritated with our photo shoot.